Monday 18 June 2012


This is something I have known for a while but right now more than ever I want to write about it. When you ask most Women this simple question :

 What kind of Man do you want ?... You hear answers like I want Him to be Loving,Caring,Nice, Tall,Dark,Handsome, GOD fearing, polite, gentle, and all the above. She would say I want Him to take care of me and want me every time. I want Him to be faithful and truthful to Love me. 

Many times I never hear them pray or say :

I want to Love Him and I want to always be there for Him. I want to build His career with Him and grow old with Him.Its usually how they want Him to be this and that and the result of this is as follows.

I have seen so many cases where " Mr Right" has come around with one or two "defects" but the imperfect lady forgets she is imperfect and keeps pointing to the speck in the eyes of  " Mr Right". After a while Mr right gets tired but He keeps going, keeps trying ,keeps searching, and at some point He gets tired and sadly,with tears in His eyes walks, away. The " perfect" girl then recognizes Mr Right when its too late and tries to get back only to realize that Mr Right has put that same tenacity He gave her to some other Woman. 
Instead of the " Perfect" lady to learn and grow,she then says He is a liar.He should have been more patient, He should have said this or that.

She doesn't realize that for every sleepless night she had Mr Right had 3 sleepless nights. He was watching her close the gate when she went in but She didn't realize that Mr right would limp on one leg when He walked home  but He didn't mind because He wanted her to be safe. Mr Right was so consumed by her that He was willing to walk great distances just to save enough money to be able to see her. She was to caught up in herself that she became wrong for Mr Right. 

If most single Women really play back what they asked GOD  for and then take a good look at the Men in front of them they would see that GOD has answered them but they are so into themselves and have failed to see. They have been blinded by the past, themselves and family. Family many times intend good but you see, the foe's of a Man are of His/Her own house hold. They intend good but fail to understand  that most great mysteries of life


and that it many times takes a spiritual ruler to draw the line and not logical reasoning.Why should the savior of the world be born in a manger? They never ask that but they ask why Mr Right didn't come in a Chevrolet or a Lexus.

Family comes in and friends discourage her she feels the truth but forgets that without faith its impossible to please GOD and yields to the family pressure. Wakes up sad many years later with a Man she doesn't really Love and says " If I had Known". If you don't believe me ask 75% of your Mums in Nigeria, culture keeps them in the matrimonial homes and many times the shame of being divorced. 

The single lady needs to pray and be prayed for.She need to banish all Fear,and have Faith like Esther. This is the narrow way to Love and a new day.

1 Love


  1. Nice write-up!..good insight but wat about d single men, doesn't this apply to them in some way too?..

  2. I would be honest with you, it rarely happens with Men. Generally, a Man is the hunter. A Man goes out and looks for His Wife and when He sees her He knows He sees possibilities of the master plan that's what GOD gave Men since Adam. Its left for the Woman to believe in Him and go for it. Its like CHRIST and the Church.The Church is the bride, if the Church believes in CHRIST they get everlasting life. If the Woman believes in Him She become His everlasting

  3. Good message!

  4. Good message bro. Inspiring. Ladies shud really take heed to reality and stop playing victim the unhappiness that comes thereafter

  5. I agree that we all should hold some responsibility for our deeds. It's nice how you've put the biggest issue women have into perspective. Keep it up.

  6. Fada (Gebe)...Some experiences I had brought this out of me. I have always know this but then it took this encounter to make me write this down.

  7. Seyi Lilly Akpanika23 June 2012 at 11:43

    The ugly truth...I totally agree.

    1. That's what it is but I believe people can change...1 LOVE Seyi, its been a while .....

  8. Nice...Great Lesson.

  9. Auxel Celestyn26 July 2012 at 05:17

    Motherz usually pray 4 their daughterz to fall in the handz of good men.But 4gottn to also pray for their daughtaz to be good to the Men they going to spend the rest of life with.
