Thursday 9 August 2012


Now, if you live in Nigeria the question " who are you?" does not necessarily mean the person asking the question wants to know your name or be able to identify you some way. Its a question you hear most times when individuals or a group of people have an argument and one of the two feel they are  superior to the other by virtue of social status, how much money they've got, who they know, etc..  

This time though I have found that many of that challenges we face these days is simply because we have not found a way to answer this simply question. We all have different talents and we use them in different ways but then most people feel that they are what they do at the office or what people term them to be. I have discovered that the inability to categorically define ones self is the genesis of most of the problems we see in society today. Let me tell you a little story

           "  The servants son and kings son were playing with a toy car of the kings son. Suddenly the son of the servant overpowered the son of the king and ran away with the toy car. The kings son ran to His Dad crying that the servants son just stole His car. The king smiled at His son and said to him  " Son, why are you crying over this toy car ? Don't you know who you are ? All the cars in the parking lot belong to you, the cars in the other mansions belong to you, the mansions belong to you!!! Why are you crying over a toy son ? Don't you know who you are ??   " 

         If that lady knew who she was she wouldn't be caught dead running after another woman's husband. If that lecturer knew who He was He would not have tried to sleep with the girl before giving her the right scores. If that police officer knew who He was He wouldn't have taken that bribe. If the leaders of corrupt governments knew who they were they wouldn't bury their countries to uplift themselves. If  that Man knew who He was He wouldn't look for ways to cause dispute between people intentionally.

       At the point where an individual defines himself, the whole screen comes on. We are able to see what is allowed to happen and what is not allowed to happen. I doubt if you would see a male boxer trying on female clothes in order to become a female model. First, He knows He is a Man and would not fit into that category. Finding who you are is not about finding what people accept you as or expect you to be. No, its is reaching into the spiritual, reaching into the creator and finding out who HE is and what HE made you to be in HIM. We all agree that GOD IS LOVE and HE is the creator of us all. It is therefore obvious that we need LOVE to be able to find ourselves and then be able to function is the capacity that LOVE gives us. Anything short of that, is malfunctioning. This is why it seems so many are lost because the lack of self-determination has re-defined them to become what ever the circumstances around them defines them to be.

  I was walking down the shopping complex close to where I live and a Man walked past me and said " Shawn Rapha, the Greatest " Yes, He called me that because, I have been on a T.V and Radio show for 3-4 years now telling them that I am the Greatest. Now, I don't say it that much but when people see me they do. They say that's Him, the Greatest.

         I feel its time for something great to happen in so many lives. As done in the beginning we have to check and see that we still know who we are. The exhaustion of the journey can cause many to forget who they are or where they are coming from. Its time for the next level,finish strong, who are you my friend ? I am not asking for who your boss says you are, I am asking you, who are you ? JESUS CHRIST when asked who HE is said " I AM " THE GREAT I AM. " THE I AM" is the said to be one of the personal names  of GOD. Who are you ? Define yourself and watch your life change forever.