Saturday 13 October 2012


Greetings to you all my people, I am sure you wonder why I have not written here all this time. Honestly, I just didn’t have the urge to write anything and I want it to be real each time I sit here and write stuff. I have been through a lot lately and this morning I got the urge to finally write this piece and tell you all that a flash is enough.
Many people have grown up believing that the whole world owes them something and the world should pay particular attention to them for reasons only these people can understand. Many have grown with a heart filled with complaints and also a safety first approach to life and this has led many to mediocre lives or a deep feeling of low self worth.
These people never go out of their way to try anything or learn anything. They just keep waiting for the perfect day and perfect time, hence, hindering other people around them because of this weakness of theirs. I have seen many people complain and judge everyone who has come in contact with them and say it is because of him, her, and them that they haven’t reached their own personal goals.
Therefore, I received the leading from GOD this morning to write this message to everyone who is reading this now and those who would read it later. The message is (a flash is enough). I would do my best to explain what I mean with a few illustrations.  I am convinced that many of you would be blessed and would spring into action when you read this.
A baby can cry all He/she wants for hours the parents many times would only know the exact problem when the baby gives them a flash. A sign, a gesture that suggests the baby wants to do A, B, C, and D. The minute the baby points at His mother’s breasts the Mum knows immediately without a doubt and she feeds her baby. The baby didn’t have to write a letter, proposal, or give a speech. The baby knows that a flash is enough.  I have been learning to swim for a while now and I would go into the pool and just do anything I think feels like swimming, get half way across the pool, and start to struggle for air. The life guard would usually see me there daily but He never said anything. One day, I saw this elderly European swimming and decided that I would imitate this man and do exactly what I see. Then, I started to imitate Him. Immediately the life guard who had been quiet all this time got up, walked straight to me and started to teach me how to use that style perfectly. Within 12 hours, I was able to swim across the pool, to and from, without running out of breath halfway. The elderly European and the life guard instantly became my instructors immediately I gave them a flash.
Many of you have talents, dreams, visions and hopes. Many out there are still in the school of complaints. Complaining about this and that which is totally normal sometimes but my point is it shouldn’t end there. GOD said it is impossible to please HIM if you don’t have faith. I also want to believe you know that faith is an act and the actions you take would show how much faith you have got. A Flash is what you need, show those people what you can do, start practicing, go for try outs, do not wait for the perfect day. Make today the perfect day, a flash is enough, GOD Bless you. 

Thursday 9 August 2012


Now, if you live in Nigeria the question " who are you?" does not necessarily mean the person asking the question wants to know your name or be able to identify you some way. Its a question you hear most times when individuals or a group of people have an argument and one of the two feel they are  superior to the other by virtue of social status, how much money they've got, who they know, etc..  

This time though I have found that many of that challenges we face these days is simply because we have not found a way to answer this simply question. We all have different talents and we use them in different ways but then most people feel that they are what they do at the office or what people term them to be. I have discovered that the inability to categorically define ones self is the genesis of most of the problems we see in society today. Let me tell you a little story

           "  The servants son and kings son were playing with a toy car of the kings son. Suddenly the son of the servant overpowered the son of the king and ran away with the toy car. The kings son ran to His Dad crying that the servants son just stole His car. The king smiled at His son and said to him  " Son, why are you crying over this toy car ? Don't you know who you are ? All the cars in the parking lot belong to you, the cars in the other mansions belong to you, the mansions belong to you!!! Why are you crying over a toy son ? Don't you know who you are ??   " 

         If that lady knew who she was she wouldn't be caught dead running after another woman's husband. If that lecturer knew who He was He would not have tried to sleep with the girl before giving her the right scores. If that police officer knew who He was He wouldn't have taken that bribe. If the leaders of corrupt governments knew who they were they wouldn't bury their countries to uplift themselves. If  that Man knew who He was He wouldn't look for ways to cause dispute between people intentionally.

       At the point where an individual defines himself, the whole screen comes on. We are able to see what is allowed to happen and what is not allowed to happen. I doubt if you would see a male boxer trying on female clothes in order to become a female model. First, He knows He is a Man and would not fit into that category. Finding who you are is not about finding what people accept you as or expect you to be. No, its is reaching into the spiritual, reaching into the creator and finding out who HE is and what HE made you to be in HIM. We all agree that GOD IS LOVE and HE is the creator of us all. It is therefore obvious that we need LOVE to be able to find ourselves and then be able to function is the capacity that LOVE gives us. Anything short of that, is malfunctioning. This is why it seems so many are lost because the lack of self-determination has re-defined them to become what ever the circumstances around them defines them to be.

  I was walking down the shopping complex close to where I live and a Man walked past me and said " Shawn Rapha, the Greatest " Yes, He called me that because, I have been on a T.V and Radio show for 3-4 years now telling them that I am the Greatest. Now, I don't say it that much but when people see me they do. They say that's Him, the Greatest.

         I feel its time for something great to happen in so many lives. As done in the beginning we have to check and see that we still know who we are. The exhaustion of the journey can cause many to forget who they are or where they are coming from. Its time for the next level,finish strong, who are you my friend ? I am not asking for who your boss says you are, I am asking you, who are you ? JESUS CHRIST when asked who HE is said " I AM " THE GREAT I AM. " THE I AM" is the said to be one of the personal names  of GOD. Who are you ? Define yourself and watch your life change forever.


Friday 27 July 2012


Any one who displays  Ill-mannered; discourteous behavior is said to be rudely behaved or disrespectful. In Africa the manner in which you conduct your self before the elders is taken very seriously. In most cultures, respect for the elders is taken very seriously. If a Man or a Woman is older than you are by a second, culture demands that the person is given maximum respect by the younger.

This is fine and I totally agree that the younger person can learn a lot about life,culture,moral values by listening or following the footsteps of the elders. This is what has been preached  from time. Honor your Father and Mother so that your days may be long. I believe in this message strongly. I have gained great gains in my life by showing honor to my parents and I know its right.

Nonetheless, in recent times I have noticed that this law has been abused in society today.In Nigeria today we have a lot of elders who believe they deserve all the respect in the world yet, they carry themselves with no regard for themselves what so ever. They also believe that for as long as a person is older the person is wiser. Yes, it is expected that in the middle of grey hair wisdom should be found right ? But If you look at the Nigerian government today and see the horrible things that go one within I am sure you wouldn't expect anyone to respect such elders or believe they is any from of wisdom in the "grey hair". Who are the youth expected to learn from ?

Some elders have only age and they believe they can go around the younger ones and speak in what ever manner to the younger and expect the younger to accept what ever it is they say and  accept it. You may say yes,this seems morally correct but it only gives birth to a timid generation, a generation with no voice, no sound, no presence, nothing new. A generation that works with only what is given to them and people who have no will power or audacity to create a new day. There is power words and if a generation have been totally shut out with the " this is how it has always been done" way, what new can come out of that society ?

Look at Nigeria, a place where people have held on to barbaric traditions,cultures, and general ways that have brought them to no good. You have people with new ideas,formats, ways to create a better day but all you need to do to stop this in Africa is be an elder. Even in the time of JESUS CHRIST he noticed this problem and addressed it in " Matthew 23", in another part He whipped people with whips in the Church, He wasn't diplomatic about it. Yes we are advised to be wise in the book of proverbs but in a place where the leaders and elders are blind what do the you do ? Keep following ?

In the bible JESUS CHRIST sent a soldier named Jehu to capture all the prophets of ball " elders" the ones who wouldn't listen to GOD and do away with them. He did so an a new day was born. A person can't be and elder and be  " crazy" and expect me to follow Him. I have seen dreams and destinies totally disrupted because of ignorant and arrogant elders who have said their people wouldn't be part of a new day. They were ignorant and didn't know that what they vehemently stopped was the way forward, only to realize when its too late and then start blaming the devil.

Its time for the youth all over the world especially in Nigeria to stand up for what is right before GOD and Man and not some ridiculously dogmatic elders. Some elders are so utterly disrespectful to the youth of today and the are shocked when the youth respond. They expect a dull and brainwashed young Man or Woman and not a vibrant sane minded youth. Africa is the only continent when I have seen an adult who is 20 years old being called a child. Its a great pity what Africans and Africa has become because the youth have been shut up.

Its time for the youth to charge forth with their inner cravings and their true selves and not the hypocrites most youths in Nigeria have been turned into because they want to please these "elders". No, the new youth of this day should stand up and stand out. There is the final bell of a new day sounding clearly I am sure you would not want your kids to come into a world totally controlled by people who care more about what people have to say and not what really is. People who do not practice what they preach have taken over Nigeria and the trend is seriously degrading and we all have to arise together to change this trend.

So many Churches but most people just do things they are told to do in there. There real impact that is expected from the religious organizations are not being felt in the society at all. At every corner you have a Church building but its seems the true life starts when the Church ends. The elders these days still believe its okay to be as insulting as they can be to the youth and expect the youth to be silent. I have decided to speak up and effect change as the LORD leads me. I don't know about you but I see a new day and I do not see this happening if the youth keep bowing to their ignorance.

Yes, I said their ignorance,arrogance,insults,curses that have kept Nigeria where it is today. I say no I would no longer bow and take a hit I do not deserve. I hope you would not take if from them.Elders who do not accept they are wrong and are not humble enough to apologize to the younger ones. This disease has caused broken homes, businesses,careers and even prolonged "single" status. You may ask who are they ? I am talking about the rude elders.


Monday 23 July 2012

The Unexpected One.

Yes, I feel really led to write this one. Its late and I had a very tough day today but lovely one at that. I have noticed a trend and I see it happening again and I feel I should just write this now.I just hope that you read this one and really gain something from this because of the season we are in spiritually and physically.

 Now, Faith is a supernatural ability its not something that comes naturally to a people. Its takes a super natural being to understand what someone who is supernatural is saying ,to really be able to digest it and work with it. Unfortunately, there are not many supernatural people around so when a supernatural person says something in the midst of natural thinking people, His words are like the sound of thunder,heard but very easily forgotten.

I have noticed that the people who really hit it hard and made a mark at first were the " unexpected ones" the ones who didn't really look like it. People really didn't expect much from them because there wasn't anyone like them. Now isn't that ironic, there is no one like JESUS, yet we worship Him,you would think that when there is none like something or someone everyone would want and like it or the person right ? But its not so many times for the unexpected one. The fact that He is different makes people hate and detest Him more.

JESUS CHRIST who preached LOVE, peace, redemption, Freedom, and a new day " to mention a few". You feel they should have accepted Him right ? He did nothing wrong right ? He sin was that  He was distinct and unique. That should be great and Loveable right ? Followed right ? That's not the case of the unexpected one. JESUS was likened to lamb in the Bible,they expected a Lion saviour the didn't see that the Lion decided to come as a Lamb. the just misunderstood and misjudged Him.

Joseph the dreamer in the Bible. His Brothers would have never imagined that the little kid they threw away would later become the saviour of His family and nations. He was the unlikely one. He was the least expected. Their tiny, big mouthed,over ambitious little Brother. Love was not the light to show them the way and so the tried to destroy their own way.

David was the youngest," inexperienced"to the common Man, the most hated discouraged, the most unexpected. This is a classic example for everyone to see. Even His enemy Goliath was surprised that David would be sent out to fight Him. David was always in the bush and His father forgot to call Him out when He was told to call all His sons. He had to be reminded about David.

Who would have thought that Jay-z (Shawn Carter), the same Boy/Man who sold drugs on the streets of Brooklyn,New York. The same person who was kicked out of record labels and told He was no good, would become as great as He is now.The one who sold His CD's form His Cars trunk. Jay-Z's rap style was not in existence then, it was unique, and His voice too. The should have Loved Him for that right ? Nope. He faced opposition and hate.

Muhammad Ali, was the first Heavyweight Boxer who moved gracefully, evaded punches like a light weight boxer with His hands down, would punch hard, sharp and fast, smile and chat with the press and clown at every time He had a chance to. They should have Loved Him right ? Followed Him all the way with praises right ? His sin was that they just couldn't understand Him and so , they chose to hate and mock Him as much as they could.

Dr Ben Carson was so good that when people got to the Hospital and they noticed it was just a small framed black Man, they thought twice about changing doctors even with His degrees, fame and qualifications. What was His sin? He was young, black, and too good to be true. They expected to see a bald headed doctor with some grey hair on the side. A big pot belly, and a lab coat to cover it all up. They didn't like the unexpected one even though its what they really dreamed of. How Ironic.

Lionel Messi, that short a kid who was considered short among kids. Known to be very shy as He touched the football pitch for the firts time at the age of 13(Hope that's correct). I am sure He was very young but surely was one of the most unexpected ones. He wasn't instantly regarded as the one but He knew He had it within Him.

I can go on and on here about people who have touched me including Mario Balotelli because these people have touched me in no little way but there is someone I want to talk about right now and the person for some serious coincidental happens to be ........................................................

YOU, for some reason you saw this on Facebook,twitter, or wherever and you didn't hold back.  You saw it and decided for some reason to read this. I know many people especially those you expected to easily understand you, have made you think twice about who you are, if you are for real, and if you really have a chance. I tell you this day, you are the one, the most likely who just appears to be the worst decision. Yes, I ask you at this hour to press harder than you have ever before.The night is darkest just before dawn, don't stop please, not now. It would have been better if you didn't start at all. You must let Love lead you to believing in yourself now more than ever. Let Love be the light to show the way,its time for you. The best one's I noticed are usually hated first, its a bitter pill to swallow but I see it a lot. Not all the time but at pivotal times I see you.In the end, like with all these names up there they always come back and accept you, the give you your due Love and respect. Yes you, the unexpected one.

Friday 20 July 2012


Altight, yes war against indiscipline!!loool enough is enough.   I know you can't wait to see what I have to say this time. Well I can't wait to finish writing this time. There's a song I Love to play when I mean serious business while training and I have it playing loud right now " serious stuff".   Yes, this is addressing the issue with these new generation girls putting all the blame on everyone. Saying a lot of things that have really caused me to get upset, put this post out there to allow some of these Men breathe easy.

Yes, in Nigeria its expected that you stay away from pre-marital sex and that the wedding night is the chief off all nights where the real marriage begins. Times have changed now and the trend has changed, people do not care about many of these so called values anymore. You are allowed to live anyway you like, no one should judge the other person,be true to yourself and that's what matters. I agree with some of these things to an extent but I have noticed something that has forced me to write this here tonight. 
I have attended many singles programs and have seen many girls in LAGOS, NIGERIA say

 " I don't know what wrong with these Men, they just come to you and you already know that the only thing on their minds is sex, they just look at you in such and such a way and you know it. They would say their last boyfriend who they thought was a "Christian Brother" had the same thing in His mind and they left Him because He made them have sex with them once and the regret this and that  " 

I have noticed that this particular story is very common among the "good girls". I then had to gather my team and we has a full scale investigation and we discovered a few things I would like to share with you especially for Men who have their brain working well and Women who want to learn and change.

1. Those Women have denied that they also want to have sex or that they have the urge at all. It was the Brother that just did it somehow and it wasn't rape " wow"

2. They also want to play the good girl card only because its a norm and not because that's what they want and that's why they are still at the " singles meetings" LOOOOL!

3. If they had their way and were in different locations of the world you'd see totally different individuals from the ones we see here "fake ones"

4. Its is usually when they have made all the mistakes possible that you see them analysing. They usually don't take any blame for what happens it always the Men.

Now let me tell you what really happens. ManT girls claim the want to wait till marriage, they want a good Man, good family, etc.. So they meet this guy who GOD has sent to them, a guy who has decided too wait till marriage. I tell you there are still many out there,the relationship starts and the Love starts to grow and emotions grow also. Now the Man says a lot of words to this girl who is so moved by His Love and all that she is ready to "go", she wants to "get it" but because of the norms she can not say it but its so overwhelming. The Man feels the same way but somehow is able to control Himself  which the girl likes and dislikes this at the same time. ( CONFUSION TIME) Now girls may not admit it but they like it when they are able to subdue any Man and even if you don't "do it" they like to keep the memory of being able to over power you it gives a sense of security, womanhood . From my research most Men fall for this, things get awkward and there is a split up that leaves both of them wounded for a long time and then either become wild and ready to "go" anywhere or have some deep hatred and crave solitude. On the other hand if this guy suddenly doesn't fall for this, the lady feels less  a Woman, less appealing and feels that if She couldn't make Him weak even "once" or just subdue Him and make Him come after her and have her stop the action ,He may not really Love her or be into her. She then many times "form our research" look for the "dumbest" reason in the world to break up with this Man and then end up in the singles meeting again LOOOL!!. Only to come to the meeting and say " He is too short, and I left Him for that or say He was the "one" I had sex with and I know all men are bad. She never includes all the schemes she played to check how "adored" or "appealing" she was and where it has brought her to. She blames the helpless Man, who is left in utter confusion and in the dark. If you go to most singles meetings in Lagos Nigeria, this is the story of many of the singles you would find there.

Anyone who really want to get married and be happy just does it. There is no other way it can go,but there are a lot of  "distracted singles" which I have written about and " fake good girls" out there and this has lead to more confusion. I would write abut the fake good Men soon. Till then feel free to comment  bye/adios!! " I Love my Spanish" Amor Uno.

Tuesday 17 July 2012


Yes, I am sure you wonder why I haven't written in a while. The posts came in one day after the other and suddenly went off right ? Well wonder no more for the end to the drought is here, I hear the sound of abundance of rain. ( YES!!!!!). Its time to know what happened, what caused the drought ? What's the "I'm healed" about ?Well let me go in, I want to go in a little bit.

Now, was I hit by a car ? Well yes but I didn't get injured the car did " seriously I can explain". Was I hit by a bicycle ? Yes I was, but none of us got hurt. He actually hit me from behind and was insulting me afterwards. loool. Anyway I was hit and hurt by these individuals but the pain from here is nothing compared to the real injury that I got me recently.

A about two months ago, I was on my own doing fine. Mr Rapha, always got it locked and moving good. I felt good and was planning my stuff usually on my own. Then I met this girl (Hmmm) I am sure you knew it was something like this (wow). She blew me away, all the complaints I have had about Women in ( Nigeria) she murdered the errors easily,effortlessly, I didn't need to teach her, she already knew(woow). We had good times and I was sure everything was going well I was so sure she was going to be mine from the way she acted I was sure. Yes, we had problems but her actions showed me she was going to stay "so I thought". Suddenly, this angel by twilight " I thought" suddenly started showing withdrawal signs and then wanted nothing to do with me. What really hurt me was not that she wanted to leave me, it was the reason she wanted to leave me for and the way she handled it. I was DEVASTATED!!!, hmm my chest hurt me so badly physically, I felt used and would cry at night (not ashamed to admit it). I would just wonder why ? What did I do wrong ? I would take walks and play " Alicia keys : Sleeping With A Broken Heart " lol...( I Love that song so much!!! One of my all time best). I tried everything to get her, I really tried believe me I did. But I only go more and more injured, more tears, more chest pain, sleepless nights. I went through this because I knew what I saw and I believed that if it worked it would be just perfect. Well it didn't work, and the pain got bad until one night.

I got off the phone with her and was hurting too bad and so, I turned to GOD and spoke out loud in my Sisters room upstairs. I said

 " Father, you know me and I know you. You know the deepest parts of my heart. You know I came here with 100% honesty, I had no intentions of harming this girl. I'm hurting GOD, and this pain is too much. I don't deserve this. Please, if you want me to talk to you more just like this heal me and I would talk to you like this. This would be a sign of our mode of communication. Please heal me, help me. Help me for I did what I thought was right and went in with one mind in my search for a Wife. Dear LORD, I can't go on like this please GOD. Amen.  "

Ladies and Gentlemen, right there and then on the bed I felt the pain go away. I felt a little sore in my chest physically but it was nothing like the way I felt 1 minute ago. GOD had healed me right there and then. The pain ran away, I was back to being Rapha. I went round telling everyone who cared to know I was so happy and full of joy. I then thought I had nothing to write here and then GOD  told me to put this out there for someone.  

You, yes you!!!! I am healed are  you  ???????

Friday 13 July 2012


 BUENOS DIAS!!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!, yes I am very happy this morning. Well, there is this friend of mine "I'm blushing" who had been upset with me for a while. Its over now!!! " lol". Before you start asking questions, lets go to " The Last Minute, Run Free ".
 Yes, this post has everything to do with my experience this morning as I went out to "chip out the second half" one of my many names for training.This experience is one that I feel would motivate us to a new day. I feel it would take us to a day we never thought was possible. I feel it would inspire the real you in there the inner you. Before I start please say to someone near you " Run Free" whisper it.  lol.

This morning at a little after 5am I woke up and went out to get my training on. I went to my spot and did some major league shadow boxing as my warm up and then started to run. I then proceeded to my obstacle course " self-made" and had a gruesome workout. It was so intense that I let go some tears after training. The tears came because I was able to do stuff I didn't think I could do at first. After this I went to do the final one mile run. I felt good running after such hard work at the obstacle course, I then got half way and decided to shuffle and throw combinations through out the other half  of the mile. As I approached a mark that stands for a quarter of a mile I had this deep feeling that I should turn around and go for it. I felt I should run as fast as I can till the end. I was soaked in sweat at this point,tired,aching from the obstacle course. I then heard in my head " run free" several times. As I looked to the other side of the road I suddenly say a Woman who wanted my services but was never around or somehow we couldn't reach an agreement. This Woman is at least 110kg. For her height and bone structure She is seriously overweight but I was shocked, she was "RUNNING" just before my take off point. Again I heard the voice again " run free", " run free", I saw an old Man almost beside me looking at me as though in awe of my dedication because of how much I was sweating. I heard it again " run free". Now with the Woman running,the Man looking at me and the very loud music from my music player I turned around and ran for my life, for eternity, for destiny, one of the best sprints I have ever ran in my life. I ran for my soul, I ran for everything that is worth running for. As I got to the end I raised my hands up and suddenly let out an involuntary scream that could be heard at least from 200 meters away.

Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
-Muhammad Ali, boxing

It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challlenges, and I believe in myself.

-Muhammad Ali, boxing

My message, run, go for it!!! Let nothing limit you! Let nothing stop you!!! Attack!!! Run free, I know you feel tired,take all the inspiration around you. Look deep you would find a reason, you would see the light. Please, when you see that light, don't even think!!! Attack!!!, punch, kick, go!!! Let it be that there was nothing left in your tank!! Go!!! We all  have that last minute within us, find it, and run free. The GRACE OF GOD WOULD SEE YOU through. " I am a Christian and I believe in JESUS CHRIST. Let Love be the light, it would show you the way.   1 LOVE 


Wednesday 11 July 2012



    Greetings my people " no Spanish this time lol "  Yea, I just feel the time is right for this particular post. I was going to post a comment on this later but I just thought to myself that I should let it out now. I need to go all out with this right now. I have to let it all out because I see too much emotional,heart ache and the dreaded " there is no true Love" syndrome building everywhere I turn to. The singles are either complaining about their potential partners or totally distracted.

          Why do we get married ? So many people get married these days without a clear cut reason in their minds as to why they are getting married. For some its pressure from the family,money,peers,etcetera. While for others its that deep crave to Love and be Loved its the feel that you need someone beside you to motivate you and you motivate her and Love Him or Her and get Love in return. The deep crave to have your own children who have your name on their note books in school,kids with your very own eyes and general likeness.

          However, I have noticed these days that there are so many distracted singles out there. They seem to want relationships but never seem to be in anyone. The know all the mechanics behind getting a Man or Woman, treating Her right, and all but never seem to be making any progress on that line. This led me to study the reaction I have gotten from Women who I didn't end up with and also study the case of my friends to see what is really going on. I then discovered a few things I would like to share with you today and I hope you are able to learn form these things.

       I sat with two of my friends one is still single I am also single but the third one is married now. At this time the third one was only engaged,and was having serious problems. My other friend and I told Him to dump her, who does she think she is,let her go, she's nuts, how can she talk to Him like that. My friend a (guy) listened to us (a lady) and I and did what we asked. Before morning He was begging her and we were disappointed.  We never even spoke about it till today. This happened over a year ago, but as I write this post my friend is married to that Lady living happily and is blessed with a Lovely baby girl and my other friend and I are still single (lol). His eyes were on the prize, He kept going and doesn't regret His actions.

      I was so moved by this because it seem these days at every single provocation, sign of lack,discomfort,family comment, opinion from "friends" ,relationships end like they never even started. Some ladies listen to the story of their friends courtships and want a dramatic story so they start to cause trouble in theirs just so they can have something to say. They forget the main purpose of the relationship in the first place. You hear stuff like (Playing hard to get,the thrill of the chase, the this and that) yes these things are imperative and spice things up but is that why you are here ?Are you saying you can not get married without them ?  Is that why you got into the relationship ? You may win a few battles but at the end loose the war.

    Instead of worrying first if (HE LOVES YOU AND GOD WITH ALL HIS HEART) they start to worry about the colour of the clothes on the wedding day or how the after party would be or some frivolous things that don't hold water when you turn grey. Is He principled ? Kind ? Loving ? Does He have a vision ? Is He working towards it ? Can I be a part of it ? Would He make a good Dad ? No. They bother about if their girl friends would like Him and the way He walks and if they don't there is a big problem. The distraction I have seen in singles is alarming. How can you find someone who Loves you whole heartedly and say He is broke and so you don't want Him ? Don't you know you are His riches and everything. Within a year any lady who knows her weight can make a man go from zero to hero because the motivation a woman gives to a real Man is enormous. When a distracted Woman stresses a Man and He somehow gets married to her and sees nothing but emptiness,He then says " what was I even fighting for ?" He is bored because you have killed Him before the fight started. There are more problems about the world order, what is acceptable,the economy, how to raise the kids. I also warn about " friends " please be careful about the advice you take. Please " don't sweat the small stuff" keep moving." A true friend sees the good in everything and brings out the best in the worst " -Sasha Azevedo    

   My advice, simple. Please focus on those things you need for the rest of your life and if you see a good number of them,go for it. The ones you do not see please create them. You need to focus, the world is coming to an end, there are problems all over, bad schools, cultism and other real issues that you need to work out and not this frivolous argument of where your partner is from or if He this or that. Feel free to leave your comments below. For now adios!! " a littlle Spanish please" bye! 


        Buenos Dias Mi Gente!!! Dios Te Bendiga!! " Good     Morning My People!!! GOD Bless you!!!. For those of you   who don't know the first part is in Spanish " Espanol" and the  English translation follows. Good Morning my people!This post has nothing to do directly with smoking but I was inspired to write this when I saw a Man smoking.

       I woke up early,talked to my GOD, and headed out to "chip out the second half" of of my many coded names for training. I did a brief warm up of shadow Boxing and then I started to run. As I got half way through the first mile I saw this Man smoking from a distance but I couldn't perceive the odour of the cigar. As I got close to Him I began to perceive the odour but it was not as strong. But by the time I had run almost a hundred meters past Him, I perceived the odour very strongly. It was as though He was right beside me and I started reacting to the smoke and trying to dodge the smoke down the road just when I thought it was far away in the past.

    Some of us are suffering from the Cigar effect, we have things in our,families,with our friend, ex boyfriends and girlfriends,ex husbands and wives that have so hurt us but we didn't know were were injured at the time. At the point where were thought we were home ad dry, we found out that we are actually bleeding and the wound is as fresh as it can be and is stopping us from seeing the bright future right in front of us. Instead of focusing on the future we start a new battle with the past. Those things we thought were long gone stare us right in the face.

A friend as me,how do we avoid the "smoke" ? I would say in life I have noticed that no matter how careful you are these smoke battles would always come. Although, I feel the more vigilant you are and careful about your emotions and commitments the lesser the chances are that you would get suffocated. The danger there is that you may not experience certain levels of Love that comes with just being yourself and open to change and trying new things. The so called danger might just be your own new day.

    As for me, I call its bluff!!!! Because although it may appear to be fresh,its truly in the past. It takes a lot of courage because the nostalgic effect can be enormous. You have to really embrace the grace of GOD and  then take steps to brush off the ill memories and move on. The ability to keep going, to keep moving forward is what makes the difference. I pray to my LORD and friend, GOD at times like this for GRACE and courage to stand on my own two and keep moving.

    I believe this post is for people out there who may be going through a tough time with decisions about their career,life partner,family, etcetera . This is time for us to look deep into LOVE " GOD " and HE would help us find a way. LOVE has been the light that has shown me the way. What about you ? ...........Have a Lovely  day and feel free to leave comments..... 1 LOVE

Monday 9 July 2012


Now to why we are here, pain addicts.I am sure you know there are different kind of addicts such as drug addicts, sex addicts, workaholics, and the list goes on, I am here to talk about pain addicts because of something I noticed about them that has destroyed the lives of many others. Yes,these pain addicts have the ability to lead you into being like them,or loss of self-belief or some backward and depressed mode of self-motivation. Please don't be frustrated yet I would explain with this  story below. 

      " Kennet was a young Man goal driven and just a straight forward guy who was very compassionate and wanted to be the difference, wanted to stand out in everything He did. He wasn't perceived to be the best every time but was on a journey there. Had His own faults here and there but didn't hesitate to admit it,learn and move on. 

       He met Yolanda, who was also an up and coming lady too. She was bright, intelligent,pretty, good morals. She had goals that would make you look at her as though you were in a trance. Amazing zeal and commitment to goals and purpose.She had faults and was ready to correct them too.

I am sure right now you would think this too would make a great couple. Well yes, I mean the started off with a spark! Kenneth was smitten by Yolanda's existence. He was taken away He believed He had found the right one . Yolanda was also stunned by Kenneth, She liked His resolve and was ready to go around town with Kenneth and start a little relationship with Him. She believed He was just the perfect Man and started working on His flaws almost immediately. The only problem in this is Yolanda didn't know that Kenneth was a (PAIN ADDICT).

Now who is a pain addict ? A pain addict is one who is motivated by pain,stuck on pain, if there is no form of pain the person doesn't feel the urge to move or take any action. These people need there to be something wrong to feel right and so was Kenneth. He just like Yolanda, were brought up in tough circumstances, had to go through a lot of hard times before the could get to where they were and they were still on the way. Yolanda thought that Kenneth who happens to have gone through a lot of terrible things would need all the Love He can get and less nagging, quarrels,disputes and all because Kenneth was just coming off very difficult times. 

She didn't know He was a "pain addict". When everything was going well and She was there for Him and doing all the things most Men would only read in story books for Him, Kenneth felt less motivated. He was tired of all the " Lovey kush kush ". He didn't want care,affection,tender faithfulness, a warm embrace. Love for His career was not His motivation, pain was. The pain of years of shame,years of toiling, the pain of heartbreak. He was so focused on proving He was somebody that He forgot that LOVE is the real light to show the way. Yolanda was confused, She cried,was broken,she pleaded with Him to see how much Love He can get and spiritually change His story. No, not Kenneth He wanted it hard, he wanted someone to bully Him scold Him like He was a child because hatred and the tendency to want to be like others had become His motivation. He had suffered so much He was addicted to suffering. You would think that people who suffered all kind of things would want to stop suffering.He smiled a lot was a great guy on the outside but was really bitter on the inside.

SOMETIMES ITS IN THEIR SUBCONSCIOUS, they don't know it what has become of them. Now if you are married to such a person you have to help the person with Love, prayers and tell the person about "pain addiction" which is born by wrong motives and sometimes just plain hardship. You can also open a window with a better way of living and not just complain. Tell the person to let out all the pain, to tell you everything,cry it out,pray it out, and let it go forever. If not you would suffer for years with a pain addict who would make you  think you are not good enough,you are not Loving enough,but no pain is their own medicine. They are in the Church too,they want you to fast,starve,scream, all the time. They believe pain is always the way. Hold on, did Peter need to fast and pray before He walked on water ???? Did He ??? NO!! All He did was have Faith, He believed. None has done this after Him. A broken and repentant heart is better than sacrifice and that's what David thought us all. Wake up and hurt no more, the time has come for you to rise in LOVE,GOD is LOVE.

         I know there are many of you out there stuck in this problem,male and female. Your story might be vice-versa. This is your time to act, if the person you are planning on getting married to shows these signs work hard on it now or simply leave. There are many pain addicts, even they think they want it good but if its not hurting its not good. They say no pain no gain but you don't have to hurt all the time, you hurt, get healed and stay healed. 

GOD Bless you All


Saturday 7 July 2012


     I am sure you just wonder what I have on mind today. I am sure you wonder where I got the topic of this post" Lost Little Girl". I am sure you also feel you know where I am going with this, you feel you already know the end of the story from the topic. Well, join me on this " magic carpet " ride through my mind . I would like you to please take your mind out of every other thing around you and fix your mind on the words you see right here. This words come from my deep thoughts which are inspired by GOD. Lets go.
    One morning I went out a bit late to run a few miles (Hardwork + Dedocation) and as I finished running I started to walk for at least a mile and then call it a day for my road work. As I was just about to hit the 500 meter mark I saw this pretty girl. Blue Jeans, Yellow Shirt, Light Brown Shoes with little designs on it. She had a really inviting and beautiful figure and a big hand bag. I knew why She was leaving so early in the morning, and I am sure She doesn't live in my estate. It seems she came to "work" yes you know the work I am talking about.

     I might be wrong but she had all the looks of a prostitute. As I walked closer  I noticed her jeans sagged a little but and I could see the higher part of her "bum-bum". I walked closer to her and instead of whistling at her or making passes at her " Nigerian Men style" I said( good morning dear,please adjust your trouser) Her face lit up! She eagerly adjusted it as though She just needed some love,attention,care, someone to be there for her. Her eyes told me She was trapped and had no other choice but to do what She was doing. I walked ahead of her and got to the point I turn around from. I stood there and watched her walk away and I saw her constantly checking that her trouser was properly fitted even though every Man there knew where she was coming from and her mission.

    At that point I asked myself, where are the Men???? Where are the Fathers ???? Big Brothers ????? If the Men were playing their roles in our society the girl would have enough and would feel so much Love and wouldn't have any reason to do evil. " Some would still " but I am sure that on the ratio would change. Girls have been forced to become strippers to pay tuition, many of them save up for a better future.Becoming strippers or whores wasn't the main objective. The little girl just got lost and instead of looking for Love, she wants to survive. Where are the Men ? The providers ? The Chief Cornerstone(s).

Worse yet, the same Men who would shoot you with a Desert Eagle 45 if you smile at their own daughters would go around looking for girls like this to take advantage of and brag about it.Is she really a lost little girl ? or are there many lost little Men ? Because each time a Man takes advantage of the lost little girl, she takes a huge part of Him away into her lost world. He becomes lost, He looks okay on the surface but on the inside He is lost. Spiritually, only GOD and I mean GOD himself can save such a Man. If you don't believe me ask David, Samson. Samson didn't die when His hair was cut out or the building fell. He died when He started indulging with someone other than His Wife.

I shouldn't have named this post lost little girl, I should have named it lost little boys. The girl gets injured by one and then becomes a devourer of thousands of men. She makes them lost little men.If someone had shown the girl I saw some more attention and Love I feel She wouldn't have been lost. She is not wicked or anything evil She is just lost. If you don't believe me ask Mary, the closet girl to JESUS CHRIST in the bible. Her transformation when she met JESUS CHRIST proves she was just lost. It was the same men that misplaced her that tried to stone her to death. 

This is not a me passing judgement on anyone its just my thoughts. More of just like food for thought please don't let it go to waste. Lets keep it going on the road to a new day. 1 LOVE

Thursday 5 July 2012

Dear Good Man.

Dear Good Man,

          I felt this deep urge to send this letter to you because I have an idea of what you are going through and I know how you feel. Its hard, I know but deep inside you there is a voice that knows you are tougher and can make it to the end if you don't give up.I was thinking about you good Man and I thought I should write this.

        I know your number one problem is how invisible you have become, the Women have prayed and fasted for you and by the Grace of GOD you showed up but somehow they did not see you. Some of you were seen but then were not felt, some spoke but were not heard,some touched but were not felt. Yes, I know how you feel. You see when JESUS CHRIST was here in the physical He faced the same challenges from His people. They need Him to do something "big" they didn't see HE was something big. You know He had to borrow a camel, they didn't realize who He was and they can not see you now.

           You complain about doing good and not being given credit for it or being heard at all but then the guys with the scams and tricks seem to be the most felt. Do you not remember Barabas, the one who was a known armed robber, a "correct criminal", a thief. When it was time for the people to choose between the one who only healed and said the truth to all people they didn't go for the "good guy". They went for popular opinion,what their friends would say and parents would think.

          Dear good Men, I understand you feel empty sometimes and feel like its not worth it but I tell you. The Boxer who would fight for 12 rounds trains twice as hard  for 24 rounds. The Boxers who fight for 6 rounds only train for 12 rounds, and the 4 rounder trains for 8 rounds. My point is you are going for the 12 rounder marriage, the 12 rounder business partner, the 12 rounder life style and that's why its so hard and seems like forever. But be strong and take courage because, it is written that no eye has seen nor ear heard or heart conceived the plans that GOD has for those who Love HIM and are called according to His purpose.

          I heard one of you say that they mocked you,well they mocked JESUS, they don't believe you, well they didn't believe Him, they insulted you, they spat on HIM , they killed Him but now by HIM they can't kill you. Is that not a beauty,is that not a " shot of adrenaline" into your system. Life has many twists and turns and they are sometime placed to check if you would change form after going through a sharp curve.The car that make the journey is the one that recognizes the curve, is able to maneuver its way around it and not run into it or stop moving because there is a curve ahead. The curve may slow you down for a bit but at the end you pedal down and keep going.

       One thing I can guarantee you is that at the end they would always turn back and confess that you were for real and came around.They would admit that they were blind, they were lazy and they were stubborn. You would be where you were destined to be and be grateful to GOD  that you went through it. At that time you would not be complaining like you are doing now. No, you wouldn't you would arise with Love and Joy like the a child then you really are inside.If the end is guaranteed to taste good, please hold on dear good Man.


        Lastly good Man, promise me this please. When they come back after all these years,weeks months,days or even decades. Please try to accommodate them,find a way to smile and share with them. Good Man,find a way to genuinely laugh because they all came together to mysteriously build your character.  Dear Good Man its said that all good things come to an end,I disagree because its always the best at the end when you leave this earth. Words, can't describe the Love an joy that's on the other side.I wish you all the best Sir.

                                                                                                              From Shawn.

Monday 2 July 2012


        I am sure you all wonder why I have a post that has to do with what a real Man and instead of writing that I wrote my neighbors Dog. Yes as you read on you would understand. First, I sense a lot of loneliness around for people who want to do it right. No one believes or truly understands you, you have tried and tried but still haven't got the desired level of attention. Yes, I know where you are at and this has led me to write this one.

     You ,yes you . A real Man indeed. Now, who is a real Man ? A real Man for me is one who  first and foremost has GOD as number one priority in His life. When Adam was in the Garden of Eden He had GOD at the center of His heart and was able to work at His best. He was doing His work perfectly, the minute He started to put other things above the rules of GOD  to Him He fell. So without wasting time listing the other things a real Man is about, I would say that a real Man is someone who has GOD at the center of His heart and the signs to show is the ability of this Man to Love. He also craves to be Loved and adored just like GOD does. Man was made in GOD'S image and likeness.

   One evening I was talking a walk all over my estate. I walked down almost every street of my very quiet estate( except for the noise from generators here and there). I walked around thinking about stuff with so many issues in my mind. One serious part of it was the part of my mind that concerns my life partner (I've been thinking about that lately). I thought about all the ladies I know and the ones I thought were potential "candidates lol" and the one I recently thought was the one and a lot. After a while I got tired and was heading to my house. There are two ways to get home the short and long way. Something deep prompted me to go the long way and I did.

As I walked down that road I was wondering why I was going through the longer road. I just kept walking and then I saw my neighbors dog. Every time I go pass that house I see her(dog),jumping all over the place as soon as she sets her eyes on me. One this particular evening it was even more intense, she was allover the place as I moved closer to the gate. She was making all kinds of moves and gestures inviting me to run around with her and I did. She was excited, she would run away and make me chase her and then run back. If I didn't come after her she would draw so close and jump on my irresistible arms lool! As I tried to leave, she was out of breath trying everything to make me stay and play a little longer but I had to go. She tried harder and I stayed a bit but when She ran away to return almost immediately I left.

  It was at that point I realized that a "real" Man just deeply wants to be with a Woman who's eyes light up when She sees Him. A Woman who adores Him, one who would do anything to make sure He is at home with her. A Woman who understands, how to treat Him and understands His point of view. I also noticed that " the dog" had to run away before I was able to leave. A real Man never leave a Woman He Loves as for as long as She is honestly available for Him. 

A real Man is not the one with the most muscle all over His body,or the one who has the most money in His account. A real Man is one with the mind of GOD, the one with the LOVE of GOD at the center of HIS existence, the one who can not operate outside (EDEN). Eden represents the presence of GOD. All this came to my mind when I saw my neighbors dog. Are you a real Man ? Women, are you with a real Man or chasing a real Man away ? Maybe you would get the answer when you play with your neighbors dog (lol).

Friday 29 June 2012


It is written in the book of Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it". The narrow way,the lonely road. Its the dreaded road,most people who drive around Lagos State Nigeria would tell you they rather go through the mainland than drive alone through the third main land bridge at night. For those of you who do not live in Lagos or even in Nigeria,the third main land bridge is a long and lonely dark bridge at night where if a person gets in trouble He/She is "alone",one His own.

What does it mean to be alone ? Its very simple,you are on your own. It can also mean something deeper. Many times it can mean rejection,abandonment,solitary confinement and a lot more. You would hardly find a person anywhere who doesn't need someone to lean on. We all need someone to talk to,to share our dreams,to be laugh with,help out in time of need. No body wants to be alone,though we ask for some time to ourselves we want to come back home.

Nonetheless, I have noticed that certain individuals who have really hit it hard have had to go through that lonely road.They had to go through sleepless nights alone,had to cry alone,be confused,be strong,be their own Mum,Dad,Brother and the list goes on.Lets take a look at our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. As His crucifixion drew closer HE panicked on night and was praying seriously even asking GOD for a chance to back out of the destined painful death.On that Night He needed His disciples,His soldiers,His friends but they were not there.He went back to where they were but they were fast asleep.

Just at the height,the exact point where you feel I need them the most you may just find there is no one there but you. The lonely road,is the point between life and death and sometimes the sweetest victories ever experienced come just after the lonely road. In 1974 Muhammad Ali fought George Foreman for the heavyweight title in Kinshasa, Zaire. It was said that Muhammad Ali would  loose to George Foreman. His wife was so scared and though He would be killed. The whole of the Muhammad Ali entourage was in silence in the dressing room. His corner Men cried while they were marching towards the ring. This is because George foreman was 24 years old while Muhammad Ali was 32, Foreman had knocked out Joe Frazier and Ken Norton, the only two Boxer who were able to beat Ali at this point of His career.. Only Ali knew He was able to beat George just after the deep loneliness and darkness,great joy came.


The lonely road like other roads is not forever,its just like birth pains. People only feel sorry for you,cheer you on,or even pray for you. You experience it alone, you go through the hardship alone but when you come out at the end there is a crowd and there is celebration.

Some of you reading this are on that journey now. Someone has rejected you at work,or you just got dumped by your girl/boyfriend, your family doesn't believe in you,your friends talk good in your face but when you turn around the mock you,you just got  divorced. What ever it is as long as 1. GOD gave you that vision 2. You are willing and obedient enough to 1. Have Faith 2. Believe 3.Work Hard 4 . Keep Going 5.Again,Keep Going. You would be shocked how far you would go.Its is written

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--

Those who Love GOD always want to achieve their GOD given purpose. Keep going and as I always say let Love be the light to show the way. I know the road is dark and your legs hurt, I see the grief in your eyes,please keep going. The lonely road might just be the only road.

Wednesday 20 June 2012


I am a Lover, I am in Love,I know you may not believe me, but I am always in Love. Fired up, I always get in trouble, I always get hurt and heart broken. I get used, misunderstood, misinterpreted  and misjudged. In all these things I stay strong because in all my years I have discovered that in LOVE I always find a way.

                                                                                                                           Shawn Love Rapha 

"They never really miss you till you're dead or you're gone so on that note I'm leaving after this song." 

                                                                                                                    Jay- Z

 "With the same sword they knight you they are gonna good night you with, that's only half if they like you. That ain't even a half what they might do,if you don't believe me ask Michael. See Martin , see Malcolm, see Biggie, see Pac,see Success and its out come. See Caesar, see Brutus, see JESUS, see Judas see success is like suicide  "


He who hasn't learned friendship hasn't learned any thing is his life. He who thinks at 50 the same way He thought at 30 has wasted 20 years of His life. 

                                                                                                                 Muhammad Ali 

The truth has very few friends and lies gather a crowd until the moment of truth. When the shot is fired and 
the race begins, the truth remains strong and constant and the lies flounder like smoke. Only this time they never even existed. If you are alone in the race of life, one thing I ask of you. Never give up, keep going.



                                                                                                                    Shawn Love Rapha